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  1. …in reply to @JTDType
    JTDType making woff/woff2 from ttf is super fast with fonttools, and making a ttf is super fast with fontmake. So I do something like: fontmake -m file.ufo -o ttf then: from fontTools.ttLib import woff2 woffPath = ttfPath.replace('.ttf', '.woff2') woff2.compress(ttfPath, woffPath)
    1. …in reply to @cjtype
      JTDType BTW I have this in a build.sh script so I don’t have to remember any of this code. It’s helpful for generating 40+ style families, because it’s REALLY fast. For day to day work I use RoboFont Batch which has a nice UI, drag/drop etc. Speed isn’t usually a problem