cjtype’s avatarcjtype’s Twitter Archive—№ 3,223

    1. …in reply to @w__h_
      w__h_ Somehow this made it into my dreams last night, and there was a fork of Noto called YesTo where every single glyph were replaced with 豆. And when I woke up I realized it would be an easy OpenType feature to write using FeaPy
      oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API
  1. …in reply to @cjtype
    w__h_ from feaPyFoFum import compileFeatures f = CurrentFont() t = """# >>> # 豆='cid38613' # x=font.glyphOrder # writer.classDefinition('x', x) # supsWriter=writer.feature('ss01') # supsWriter.substitution('x',豆) # print(writer.write()) # <<<""" f.features.text=compileFeatures(t,f)